I have a hard time drinking plain water. I've tried a couple different kinds of flavorings. The one I like is called Propel Fit Powder. It is made by the Gatorade company and has several flavors available. Vitamins are added as well. It comes in small packets that you open and pour into your water, then shake or stir it up. I usually don't add the whole packet to a 16.9 oz water bottle like the directions say. Since I drink my water at home throughout the day, I just add a little for flavor and leave the packet open on the counter. It makes the packets last longer. Another thing I like about the propel packets is that there is no color to the powder. This way if you spill, it won't stain. Plus coloring is not an essential nutrient. But if plain colored water is not appealing to you, you might try Crystal Light packets. Do whatever it takes to get the water down you.
For my research today I googled "water when exercising" and found a good article at About .com (click here). The main subject was, "Is Drinking Cold Water During or After Exercise Good or Bad". Seems like a funny question since most of us know it is good. The question focuses on the temperature of the water. The answer is surpising. It stated that the American College of Sports Medicine recomends that, "water and other drinks be chilled when used for exercise". Also, "Research has shown that cold water passes through the stomach faster and is therefore sent to the intestines for quicker absorption. During and after exercise, you want to rapidly replace fluids lost due to sweat, so cold water and cold sports drinks are preferred. " There is a little tidbit for you and I to ponder and practice for this week! Thanks for all of your comments and helpful advice everyone! Good luck to you in your journey towards health!
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