Monday, December 29, 2008

snow shoveling

Well the holidays are almost done and I didnt do as well as I would have liked. However thanks to the wonderful snow and all of the many hours of shoveling, i was able to only gain 1 pound which is huge considering how bad I was. So that is my tip for the week if you are feeling blah and need some great excersise get out there and shovel it really does help! Good luck for new year's!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Julie's Late Wednesday Weigh-in

Hello!  I was really good this past week and so I lost a pound!  I made it below 170- I am now 169.5 lbs!  Of course, since then I have eaten a few Christmas goodies and a couple of yummy meals.  I will just have to see what I can do to watch my weight now that Christmas is over.  I hope your holidays went well.  So much has happened that it would take me too much time to recount all of it. Take care!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Road Trips and Diets dont mix!

I recently went to Oregon on a road trip and I did horrible as far as the eating goes. I ate way to much junk trying to stay awake and ended up gaining a pound:( I am trying to do better now that i am home but the holidays are a hard time of year to be good. I hope next week i will have a better report! Good luck to all of you until then.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Julie's Wednesday Weigh-in for December 17

Hello again! This week I lost another pound and a half! I am at my lowest weight now of 170.5 which means I have lost 11.5 pounds so far! I am very excited! On my trip to Oregon, I didn't do very well with eating healthy, but we worked so hard packing that I burned off the extra calories. I am continueing to work hard by getting ready for my family to come tomorrow and I will be helping Mom and Dad unpack next week. This will help burn more calories. Good luck with your fitness goals!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Interesting Holiday Facts....

I was watching an afternoon news show on NBC and they presented a few interesting holiday eating facts on their segment "Who Knew". The first one I payed attention to was how many calories an average slice of pumpkin, apple, and pecan pie has. The pumpkin pie slice was the lowest at 180 calories, then came the apple at a whopping 400 calories. The pecan topped the list at 470 calories! The main reason the apple has so many calories is that it has the extra crust on the top. The pecan pie gets its calories from the nuts which are high in fat(but still healthy when eaten in moderation).

The next good tidbit I found from the show is that the National Institute For Health says that most Americans gain an average of 5-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years! Wow.... if I can get to Christmas without gaining weight, then I am doing better than most Americans! Here's to a challenge that may give us purpose to lose weight this season!

Julie's Wednesday Weigh-in

Hello! I lost another pound and a half this week! I am still trying to get off the extra pounds from Halloween,(I have 1/2 pound to go) but I figure if I can be loosing weight during the holiday season, I am one step ahead for spring!

I am going to fly back to Oregon on friday to help my parents pack up to move. Just being around my family and away from home makes it harder to eat correctly. I need to set some eating goals so that I stay on track. So, lets see, I need to bring my own healthy snacks like rice cakes and light cream cheese. I should also bring my low-sodium V-8 juice. I like to have one can a day so that I get extra vitamins and veggies. It is only 70 calories a can! Another low-fat snack I like to have around is fat-free pudding snacks for a little sugar. The chocolate ones are 90 calories and the vanilla ones are 80 calories.

I know I need to be eating more veggies and less starch but it's hard for me to do that. I'm still trying to get more exercise so that helps me lose the weight faster. Good luck with your goals this week!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weigh in

This week was a great week for me and losing weight. I lost 2.5 and that makes me smile. Sometimes I just dont want to do any excersise but this week I walked a ton! It also helps to have someone to inspire you to go which I had my mom so that was great. Have a good week!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

News Release (in case you haven't read my other blog)

For those of you like me who are not so happy with their less than "hourglass" shape, here is some good news. This is a study that was just released from the University of Utah. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday Weigh-in for December 3

I didn't gain a bunch of weight this week! I was pretty good and didn't have too many fattening foods. On Thankgiving morning, I had lost another 2 pounds, but a couple of days later I was back up two pounds. Then I dropped down again 1 1/2 pounds, but went back up to level off at 173 lbs. I consider this an accomplishment to not gain more than I started out with last week. Probably tomorrow I will have officially lost the 2 pounds, but for now, I'm satisfied. Just like Angie, I didn't feel the need to have seconds!

I had a good Thanksgiving with my Sister Kristi and my Sister-in-law Kathrine. I did end up drained of all energy in the afternoon of Thanksgiving since I had been up with Dallin who was sick with Roseolla! It was still great to talk with my family and enjoy a great feast! Check out my other blog for more info on our Thanksgiving. Good luck in your weight loss goals this week!

Monday, December 1, 2008

After thanksgiving

Well I did pretty good as far as Thanksgiving eating goes. I didn't feel horrible after I ate and i had no seconds! I even left the crust from the pie. I found some new whole wheat stuffing that is half the calories so I made me some of that. It was a great day and I am so glad that I did so well. When I weighed in I had gained 2 pounds but luckily I can blame that on my period! So I hope next week will show the true results.